Why use adf.ly?
I know you guys don’t like it, neither do I, but my line of thinking is if this site can generate some cash for itself, I could use that to commission some artwork from some of the more talented artists around. I know it can be annoying, but it only takes 5 seconds of waiting and an extra click. I mean, COME ON!

My pages aren’t loading. What can I do?
It’s possible that adf.ly is blocked in your country and when you click on a chapter, only a blank page appears. Try using https:// in place of http:// in the beginning of the URL. E.g., use https://adf.ly/xxx instead of http://adf.ly/xxx and all should be well.

Can I contribute to this site with my stories?
Of course you can! We encourage you to put links to your stories to this site. If you want your materials to appear in the main stories section, send a mail to highsmut@gmail.com with a link/.doc attachment to your material and explicit permission to use it in High Smut.